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Saturday, August 23, 2014

steps for treatment dry hair

 treatment for dry hair

Hair dryness caused by idling  the sebaceous glands in the scalp So that decrease Secretion of the natural fat that nourishes the hair and protect it from external influences. idle or crash  the sebaceous glands  have several reasons Including shampoo ingredients not only silicon, but sodium salts essential ingredient for shampoo and responsible for giving the foam and the proportion of its existence, and it vary from one brand to another, and there are kinds of medical don't contain  salt or Silicon
 -The first-step
 treatment for dry hair is putting  bath oil or heavy mask before shampoo that contains elements like greasy and Future Perfect like eggs and avocado, honey and should not  leave it for a long  time.
Should not left for a long time, Period of putting the mask is still the subject of controversy, and we think two hours is enough
 avoid the use of shampoo twice in a row during the bathroom enough once and rinse it well and Put a natural mask on it, you must ease the  shampoo with water and do not use it pure, and you can  add to the flask shampoo drops of almond oil. Try to activate work of the sebaceous glands and  massaging the scalp with your fingers and  combed your hair  quietly and softness every night, Tension, depression, hormonal imbalances and eating some medications also cause drought.

This drought due to poor hair and that it is being bombed continuous This may be a drought due to weak activity of the sebaceous glands in the scalp or may be for external reasons that could damage the hair, such as the frequent use of chemicals scorching the hair in the form of dyes and other than harm the hair and lead to bad results, and by the summer Hair increasingly harmful factors as much brightness as the sun and the heat may go to swimming pools, salt water, are all factors that may hurt your hair and cause an increase in Dryers
Avoid direct sun in the summer, as well as dust and dirt and change the atmosphere of the sudden it's all affect the health of your hair and do not overdo it in the washing hair, but merely one time or two every week
- Nutrition very important make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables and fish-rich vitamins
Do not change your hair color at frequent intervals because the hair dye chemicals weaken the hair and lead to brittleness make sure to work pools oils for hair straighteners and decent bathrooms at intervals proportionate especially oil and coconut oil, castor oil and watercress
And also massage the hair and hand deliver to the scalp because it stimulates circulation that nourish hair

Avoid installing hair because it fills the pores of the scalp and lead to dry hair
Stay away from anxiety and lack of sleep and Take care of your health because the condition of the hair is a reflection of the state of the entire body